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A movement of passionate Entrepreneurs that will educate, inspire & motivate 1 Million disadvantaged youths across the world by 2030.

Project Gen Z is a social enterprise with a focus on long-term education and entrepreneurship.


Project Gen Z was launched in order to give every boy or girl, regardless of their background, the opportunity to dare to dream. 


By introducing them to the possibility of entrepreneurship, and by passing on valuable education and long term support, they believe these children have the power to change the world.


Project Inspire are extremely proud to not only be supporting such an inspirational cause but to also have the founder Liz Volpe sharing her incredible story of what inspired her to create Project Gen Z.


"After a trip to Cambodia to visit the great work of a charity called Sunrise I got the opportunity to spend time with some incredible orphaned children.  The children had come from all different walks of life; some had been rescued from prostitution and slavery, others from begging circles and horrific unthinkable situations.

Spending time to get to know the children I couldn’t help but admire their strength, positive attitude and optimism for the future.  I knew at some stage I had to get back there to help.  I recognised something in them… potential."

Liz Volpe

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